mr. S. (Sanne) van Wamel

Jr. legal counsel

Sanne comes from an entrepreneurial family, so she knows what running a business entails and what interests and risks are involved. She studied law at Radboud University in Nijmegen. During this study and through her part-time jobs, Sanne became acquainted with various legal areas. After completing the pre-master, she specialized in criminal law and liability law. With her master’s degree in hand, Sanne started working as a legal assistant at a renowned law firm.

Varying issues

In the context of her current work, Sanne deals with issues of varying nature in the field of real estate and criminal law. She attaches great importance to integrity and a proactive approach.

Besides her work, Sanne enjoys spending time with her family and friends. Sanne also contributes to the organization of an annual sporting event in the village where she lives and she never misses a single Max Verstappen race.

"Completing and fully understanding the file is my priority, so that I have an eye on all the possibilities inherent in a file and the client is not faced with any surprises."

the specialism of



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